Siamese foolish pranks

The Exihibitions II
The begining of the show
When you arrive your cat gets first a examination by a veterinary. By example,if your cat has earmite or a dirty anus from diarrhoea or worms, you will have not be allowed to enter the show. You will lose your registration fee. You must be able to show proof of vacination.
Install in the cage
After this you look for the cage with the number your cat is registrated in the catalogue. Most of the time the cages are well cleaned, you can always do this again to be sure it's clean. Place  a blanket, a pillow, water, food and a cat trough in the cage.
Last control
Be sure the cat wears his number. Brush his pelt, clean his corner of the eyes and make him feel relaxed.
The Examination
examination Calvencade Cats The show judges and stewards join up in the examinationroom and take place at there table. The stewards are getting the cats out of there cages and bring them to the show judges
The Examination - sequel
The start is with the uncastrated oldest cats ,the kittens are last to be examined Each time when a new cat arrives the table and hands are well cleaned. The show judge writes for every cat a examinationreport what is worked out by the secretariat. The endresult appears on a screen in the hall.And each cat wil get his own report on his cage The show judge will choose finally the Best Cat, castrato and kitten or litter and they will get a ribbon with the final judgement Excellent, Very Good etc... Then they will choose the Best of Show this one will get a trophycup or big ribbon.


walking siamese

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